
By Child Development Associates on January 15, 2020

Too many San Diego families can’t make ends meet – wages are too low, the cost of living is too high, and it can be a struggle to navigate the network of services offering help.

Did you know that 40% of San Diego County’s children under age 12 live below the 200% federal poverty level in 2017? This means more than 190,000 children in our region are experiencing unequal access to nutritious food and healthcare, stable housing, and quality child care and education. This must change!

That is why, CDA is a partner of San Diego for Every Child – a coalition of seasoned champions, organizations, non-profits, and institutions committed to improving systems and structures to benefit all children in San Diego.

The mission of San Diego for Every Child is to cut the experience of childhood poverty in San Diego County in half by 2030 to ensure every child in our region has their basic needs met, regardless of their family’s income. Because all children should have a fulfilling childhood and bright future!